Highly experienced media professional with expertise in journalism, broadcasting, and international relations seeking a challenging position in a company or institution where I can utilize my skills and knowledge to contribute to the organization’s success. I offer a view of the current geopolitical events in a wider context. Expertise in communication with representatives of the Slovak government scene enriched by my journalistic experience from Washington and Brussels. For example, this point of view can be an enrichment when navigating opinions and outputs on the topic of war in Ukraine.
With a good job offer, I would consider switching from the media field to economics. I covered macroeconomic topics regularly from Washington, I informed the Slovak audience about the events at the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. I used analytical thinking daily when designing topics. On the other hand, I understand microeconomics because I graduated from the Business Academy, successfully graduated from accounting, and even won the Slovak Olympiad in accounting. Although the laws have changed since then, I like to learn new things and study them. I have a deep passive knowledge of the German language, I studied it for 11 years. I can speak on a colloquial level, my husband is German from Essen and is also a journalist. We lived in Washington for the past 13 years, so we switched from German to English, but with the arrival of our daughter, my German became significantly more active, because my husband speaks only German with her.
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