I want to work as area loss prevention officer as per my pervious experiences and expertise. I want to grow in my carrier by experiencing new goal and challenges in security loss and prevention.
I am in Bratislava now on Family Reunion Visa, since my wife is working in Research and Development, that's the reason to look for new job position.
1. Responsible for investigating theft, implementing initiatives to control losses, and to drive SLP initiatives, policies & policies across the sites, and ensuring that security protocols are working effectively and conducting audits to uncover safety or security risks.
2. To prevent, detect, and resolve all the incident of shoplifting, transactional fraud, internal/external malicious activities
3. Effective usage of security tools such as CCTV, DVRs, EAS, security fixtures installed in the site for combating theft and frauds.
4. Ensure that all the security gadgets and equipment’s are operational at all the time and liase with IT/facility/automation team for rectification of any faults.
5. Track SLP incidents and ensure their timely closure.
6. Monitor security systems like alarms and closed-circuit cameras.
7. Document theft and other violations of security, and what they observed on duty
8. Upheld strict security and safety procedures to protect business from financial losses due to theft or careless mismanagement.
9. Trained all new executives and asset protection personnel.
10. Calmly and efficiently addressed emergency situations such as safety hazards and threats to life
or property, deescalating when possible and directing shoppers to safety.
11. Generated comprehensive reports documenting evidence of attempted theft and recovered merchandise
12. Trained loss prevention staff, retail managers and store employees on loss control and prevention measures.
13. Supervised surveillance, detection and criminal processing related to theft and criminal cases
14. Theft & pilferage Control -by Keep regular track on logistic partner and no floor to avoid fraud.
15. Reduction in shrinkage by regular audits, Checks, Investigation and taking care of all security.
16. To keep record of all shortage and excess shipment during inbound and outbound
17. Taking care of whole Hub related to operational & security issue
18. CCTV controlling, monitoring & operating etc.
19. Keeping safety and fire mock drill aware training session on regular basis.
20. Handling the return verification process to identify customer fraud
21. Order Management
22. Courier Management
23. Investigation of all Queries related to customers, courier, third third party etc...
24. Audits at Sellers & courier end to find out the fraud.
25. Theft Control - Keep regular track on logistic partner to avoid fraud.
26. Reduction in shrinkage by regular audits, Checks, Investigation and taking care of all security.
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