I have many years of experience in the production sphere and therefore I believe that I could be right person for you.
For me, people always come first, loyalty to the company and I am clearly goal-oriented.
Safety and customer relations are a matter of course.
I like to work on new projects and enjoy the collective successes of the company.
I am proud of my achievements:
-all audits (IATF 16949,ISO 14001,ISO 45001) passed with a green rating.
-KPIs successfully completed
-new projects (IMM maschines, Tools, Products,) finished in time-SOP
-replacement of 60 IMM machines during one weekend - new layout.
-relocation of production from Austria to Slovakia.(44 IM maschines,140 IM Tools+perifery during one week.
Of course, all of this was accomplished with the support and help of my colleagues and team
Pošlite svoje kontaktné údaje prostredníctvom formulára. Po odoslaní vám príde notifikácia s potvrdením prijatia žiadosti.
V krátkom čase vás bude kontaktovať náš recruiter ohľadom objednávky a popisu pozície. Následne preveríme záujem o vašu pozíciu a účasť na výberovom konaní u kandidáta.
Sprístupníme vám v klientskej zóne úplný životopis kandidáta, následne ho môžete kontaktovať a pozvať na pohovor.