As an adept in this position, I have more than three years of project management experience.
My other work experience includes the field of Office management, as well as various
assistant positions such as admin assistant, technical administrator, and the like.
The ability to oversee all aspects of a project simultaneously, with attention to every detail, but
without losing sight of the big picture, is one of those skills I've mastered. It goes without
saying that time management and multitasking are two of my strengths, but equally important
is my ability to lead a team, ensure that each member delivers the highest quality work, and
properly delegate tasks to utilize my specific strengths.
Check out some of my attributes below:
• Driver's license
• First aid – HLTAID003
• Dip Project Management
• White Card
• Time Management
• Adherence to the daily schedule
• Adherence to proper secure company processes and procedures
I have very good computer skills in Microsoft Office, Realtrans, Adobe Photoshop, Master
PDF, SAP, Acrobat Reader, MS Project, VETtrak, NovaCore, MYOB and others.
My language skills are for languages such as English, Slovak and Czech.
I always communicate professionally and politely with clients and colleagues and understand
the importance of teamwork.
Please read my resume for more information about my experience. I am looking forward to
discussing possible cooperation in your company at a convenient time for you.
Pošlite svoje kontaktné údaje prostredníctvom formulára. Po odoslaní vám príde notifikácia s potvrdením prijatia žiadosti.
V krátkom čase vás bude kontaktovať náš recruiter ohľadom objednávky a popisu pozície. Následne preveríme záujem o vašu pozíciu a účasť na výberovom konaní u kandidáta.
Sprístupníme vám v klientskej zóne úplný životopis kandidáta, následne ho môžete kontaktovať a pozvať na pohovor.