Experienced B2B & B2C Product Management, Marketing & Sales leader with a history of great results, leading teams, knowing how to deliver rapid growth, bring new innovation, more value & improve customer experience. Aware of the strengths, weaknesses as the most important areas for personal development.
14+ years of experience in Product Management & Marketing, Sales & Customer Value Proposition from ESET, Orange, Telekom, O2, Nokia, IBM and Streamstar.
Key Competencies:
- Leadership and People Management
- Strategic Operations
- Product Management, Marketing, Sales & Customer Value Proposition,
- Revenue diversification, revenue boost activities
- Network & endpoint cybersecurity products
- Value-added services, services beyond core
- Proactivity
- Creativity and Innovation
- Customer experience
Fun fact:
Graduated from University with a Law degree as Iuris utriusque doctor (JUDr.). However whole professional career focusing on learning from various experiences and roles mainly in the Tech, Telco & IT industry, helping to form my abilities of out-of-the-box thinking and problem-solving skills.
With passion for cars, innovative mobile technologies, and AI, trying to deliver the best possible customer experience.
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