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Specialist for ERP system implementation

Specialist for ERP system implementation

For our client - global leader in solutions for energy transition and circular economy, we are looking for new members of ERP system implementation team - 8 specialist, one for each assigned process area - Sales and CRM, Project Controlling, Service and Operation Management, Project management, Accounting and Controlling, Supply Chain Management, Engineering, Human resources.

Job description responsibilities and duties

1. Design and configuration of the ERP system tool

  • Control consistency and interfacing of the ERP system processes in between process areas,
  • Ensure that the ERP system tool is properly interfacing with other existing business tools.
  • Design use and test cases and run then as prototype, define acceptance criteria’s based on tests.
  • Lead the testing team, within assigned process area, to verify the functionality of the tool. Ensure acceptance criteria are achieved.
  • Participate into defining a stepwise implementation sequence of the tool within assigned process area) across the whole company.
  • Prepare and organize the data migration sequence and phases.
  • Identify the data sources to be migrated and the missing data.
  • Plan for the resources and/or the automatic data transfer (to be designed by the Application Consultant) that will be required in each phase.
  • Act as guarantor of complete data migration within assigned process area.
2. Roll out of the tool, by phases
  • Participate into the internal communication and change management actions of the company relating to the implementation of ERP system, ensuring that the objectives are well understood by the future users, as well as they are prepared for the change.
  • Contribute to writing of operating manual (to be provided by the Application Consultant) and to preparation of training material, needed for all roll-out and induction purposes
  • Identify and coordinate the network of key users across the whole company, within the assigned process area, who will be the first point of contact of the users.
  • Plan for and organize training sessions across the whole company, to ensure that all users can work with the tool. Priority is to train key users and observe the training of the end users, sometimes train end-users directly.
3. Long term Maintenance of the tool and tool’s upgrades
  • During the whole life cycle of the ERP system tool, act as internal-customer fronting, with respect to the assigned process area.
  • Organize regular meetings with key users to collect and analyze users’ feedback in term of performance and potential improvement of the functionalities.
  • Based on organizational evolutions as well as on user’s feedback, regularly propose improvements or further developments to the tool functional specification.
  • Responsible for data base, process entries and calculation models to be stored/processed in the ERP system, within assigned process areas.
  • Ensure first level assistance of users, directly or through network of key users. Escalate second level maintenance issues to the Application Consultant.
  • Act as single point of contact within the organization for topics relating to the performance and availability of the ERP system tool, within the assigned process area.

Requirements for the employee

  • Substantial experience in an international business environment, within the project & manufacturing industry.
  • Good understanding of business processes and proven project management, change management skills.
  • Experienced professional, having had a direct operational role, in one specific process areas, which are Project Management, Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Services, Manufacturing, Accounting, Controlling, Document Management, HR.
  • Experience as being part of an ERP system transformation project and knowledge of IFS ERP solution.
  • Experience working in matrix organizations and demanding environment with multiple stakeholders.
  • Good stakeholder management & strong communication skills.
  • Influential personality to get ideas across and pragmatic, understanding the realities of the job and the environment in which tool users perform their functions
  • Proven ability to quickly familiarize him-/herself with new topics / contents
  • Fluency in written and spoken English (German and other languages are an asset)
  • Willingness to travel (approximately 20% of working time).

Employee perks, benefits

  • 13th Salary
  • Financial reward for working anniversaries
  • Flexible working time (core time 9-3:30)
  • Home Office possible 2 days a week
  • Extra days of leave (+1 day after the first, third and fifth year of service)
  • Extra days of leave for special personal events (e.g., wedding, graduation etc.)
  • Modern infrastructure
  • Free drinking regime (coffee)
  • Recreation allowance
  • Multisport card
  • The third pillar of the pension scheme
  • Support for professional and career growth, education and training
  • Supportive and team-oriented working environment

Company on whose behalf the position is being filled

Our client is a global leader in solutions for energy transition and circular economy including Energy from Waste and Renewable Gas.

Place of work
Contract type
Start date
Wage (gross)
2.700- 3.000€ brutto + 13th Salary (experience dependent)
Mám záujem o pozíciu
Pošlite mi životopis, pomôžem vám nájsť prácu
Peter Vyslúžil
Peter Vyslúžil

Mám záujem o pozíciu

Pošlite životopis

Spoločnosti PRO Business Solutions, s.r.o. udeľujem Súhlas s evidenciou a spracovaním osobných údajov v zmysle Zákona č.18/2018 Z.z. o ochrane osobných údajov a Nariadenia Európskeho parlamentu a Rady (EÚ) 2016/679 z 27. apríla 2016 o ochrane fyzických osôb pri spracúvaní osobných údajov a o voľnom pohybe takýchto údajov v nasledovnom znení:
„Týmto vyjadrujem ako dotknutá osoba svoj dobrovoľný súhlas so spracovaním, evidenciou a archiváciou svojich osobných údajov v rozsahu potrebnom na sprostredkovanie zamestnania, a to predovšetkým mena, priezviska, dátumu narodenia, adresy trvalého bydliska, titulu, dosiahnutého vzdelania, kontaktných údajov (číslo telefónu, príp. faxu a e-mailovej adresy), jazykových a počítačových znalostí, prípadne iných údajov uvedených v tomto formulári a priložených dokumentoch v zmysle nariadenia č. 2016/679 GDPR (ďalej len „osobné údaje“). Zároveň týmto potvrdzujem, že všetky údaje, ktoré som uviedol/uviedla vo svojom životopise a v žiadosti o zamestnanie, som poskytol/poskytla spoločnosti PRO Business Solutions, s.r.o. dobrovoľne a sú pravdivé. Súhlas udeľujem na dobu určitú v trvaní 3 rokov odo dňa zaradenia mojich osobných údajov do personálnej databázy alebo pokiaľ sa nerozhodnem svoj súhlas odvolať.“
Za akým účelom budú Vaše osobné údaje spracované?
Hlavným účelom spracovania, správy a archivácie Vašich osobných údajov je ich evidencia pre sprostredkovávanie (aj opakované) vhodnej pracovnej pozície u budúcich potenciálnych zamestnávateľov.
Akým spôsobom môžete odvolať svoj súhlas so spracovaním osobných údajov?
Váš súhlas môžete kedykoľvek odvolať prostredníctvom kontaktného mailu info@probs.sk
Komu budú poskytnuté Vaše osobné údaje?
Vaše osobné údaje budú v nevyhnutnom rozsahu poskytnuté výlučne potenciálnym zamestnávateľom v rámci plnenia vyššie uvedeného účelu ich spracúvania. Vaše osobné údaje v rozsahu meno, priezvisko, adresa, dátum narodenia môžu byť zároveň z dôvodu splnenia právnej povinnosti poskytnuté aj Ústrediu práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny v zmysle ust. § 28 písm. b) bod 1. zákona č. 5/2004 Z.z. o službách zamestnanosti. Ako dotknutá osoba potvrdzujete a dávate súhlas na cezhraničné poskytnutie a sprístupnenie Vašich údajov aj do tretích krajín, ktoré nemusia zaručovať primeranú ochranu Vašich osobných údajov.

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