Dynamic professional with 12 years of international experience in Product Management (Consumer electronics, Home appliances and Electric –
Electronic Equipment Devices) (B2B-B2C-D2C) with a focus on GTM strategies , Technical Sales, Distributor Management, Account Management,
OEM Business, Retail Business-DIY Channel, Global Marketing Management, Project Management, Consumer Insights, Operation Management,
Digital Marketing, Customer Management, Business Development, Market Research and Customer Analysis, Benchmarking and Competitor
Analysis, Business Plan Strategies and Analysis across multinational companies in EMEA, USA-North America, GCC, Asia
Previously I developed and responsible a wide experience in numerous EMEA and Asia, USA countries to improve Amazon’s Products, Panasonic’s
Products, LG’s products, IKEA’s products
I have worked and lived in five countries and four continents, including North America, Europe, China and Middle East.
I am a Computer Engineer (with double major in Industrial engineer- GPA 3.94); I own a double major degree in both Industrial Engineering and
Computer Engineering; also, have international experience and speaks 3 languages. I have played basketball at professional level.
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