I am looking for a job in the field of IVDR.
I studied an engineering degree chemistry/biochemistry and biotechnology at the Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology in Bratislava.
Since 2006 I have been working in healthcare. With extensive experience working as a laboratory diagnostician in the biggest laboratory in the Central Europe at department of the hematology (blood count cells, morphology, coagulation, immunohematology) for over ten years and two years’ experience in managing of quality system documentation, risk managing, experience in registration and notification of the in vitro hematology diagnostic medical devices with competent authority and experience in creating the quote, contracts for the clients, managing, planning of audits (Medical devices MDD, MDR, IVDD, IVDR medical devices) and experience as a technical file reviewer for in vitro medical devices.
Pošlite svoje kontaktné údaje prostredníctvom formulára. Po odoslaní vám príde notifikácia s potvrdením prijatia žiadosti.
V krátkom čase vás bude kontaktovať náš recruiter ohľadom objednávky a popisu pozície. Následne preveríme záujem o vašu pozíciu a účasť na výberovom konaní u kandidáta.
Sprístupníme vám v klientskej zóne úplný životopis kandidáta, následne ho môžete kontaktovať a pozvať na pohovor.