During 18 years of my professional career, I have gained extensive managerial experience: 3+ years General management, 10+
years IT management, 10+ years Project management, 5+ years People management. My knowledge and experience span
multiple industries: electromobility, fintech, banking, IT and healthcare.
Achieving tangible results within my assignments, I have successfully helped organizations improve in many ways. From creating
completely new capabilities, thru turning under-performing departments and projects around, improving company-wide
collaboration, up to launching new products on the market and retaining key clients. I have worked for global corporations,
international mid-size companies and regional start-ups / scale-ups. I interacted with many nationalities and cultures and crossed
multiple industries, which created and fostered in me a strong sense of open-mindedness in how to approach challenges.
I like to think of myself as enthusiastic, client-oriented person with positive attitude towards processes and attention to detail. I
enjoy variety, dynamic environments, multi-cultural teams. I have an entrepreneurial spirit and I like challenging status-quo.
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