Over four years working at HoB tPCT gave me the opportunity to gain a deeper insight into interesting public health issues through data analysis, digital mapping and health needs assessments. There, I trained with different software like geographical information systems (GIS), analysis (Excel, SPSS), Access, or SQL.
After my MBA in Project Management (obtained with a 1st class) I started working in commissioning, where I had to deal on regular basis with different stakeholders within the NHS and public organizations. This helped me to work more efficiently with these organizations and build proposals to enhance practices' financial capability. During this period I was empowered to develop work relationships with different companies. Training in commissioning also allowed me to help to create business plans for practices.
Prince2 qualified and PMBOOK trained.
In 2010 I was awarded an NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship in Clinical Epidemiology at the Oxford School of Medical Sciences.
I have experience working on patient surveys and reported outcomes and I have audited medical devices according to the NICE guideline. As part of my research, I have also developed a health intervention. I have worked as a project manager, academic researcher, analyst and information officer both within the UK and overseas.
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